Dirty Dancing is celebrating 35 years since it’s release and continues to be one of the most beloved and iconic films of its time. You may have watched it hundreds of times (cause you are a super fan), but there still might be a few fun facts that you didn’t know…


1. Jennifer Grey almost turned down the chance to play Baby…..Patrick Swayze had to convince Jennifer Grey to take the role.
During the filming of Red Dawn, the two didn’t get along, so Jennifer Grey almost passed on the role of Baby until Swayze convinced her.



2. Jennifer Grey & Patrick Swayze didn’t always get along while filming.
Jennifer Grey had the case of the “giggles” during the scene where Baby is rehearsing for their choregraphed dance. Patrick Swayze was actually annoyed that she kept laughing, and the producers decided to keep it in the movie.



3. The lift at the very end of the movie wasn’t rehearsed.
Jennifer Grey was too scared and didn’t want to practice before hand, luckily they nailed it in ONE TAKE, and she hasn’t done the move since.



4. The lake scene was filmed in 40-degree water.
Even though the movie took place in summer, the filming for the movie was in October, so the water was freezing! If you notice no close up shots were shown in the film, as the actors lips were blue!



5.The ‘crawling’ scene was improvised
The scene from the movie was actually just a rehearsal, with Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze playing around. The Director loved it so much, they made it part of the final cut.



6. Swayze wasn’t sure of the now famous line and wanted it cut from the movie.
Swayze initially hated the line “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” but once he watched the completed movie he admitted it worked.





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