We’re proud to participate in A DAY TO LISTEN 2023 in partnership with Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF).  Join us on September 30, #NDTR National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as radio stations throughout Canada come together to acknowledge the past and take reconciliACTION by amplifying Indigenous voices, and learning about Indigenous languages, teachings, and traditions.

This year’s theme is Mino Bimaadiziwin: Honouring Indigenous Identity.


Mino Bimaadiziwin means ‘the good life’ in Anishinabemowin. By celebrating the diversity of Indigenous identity, we are honouring the good way of life.


About A Day to Listen

  • The first A DAY TO LISTEN took place on June 30, 2021, following the public announcement that the remains of 215 children were buried at the site of the former Kamloops Residential School.
  • Over 540 radio stations participated in 2021, spanning different markets, regions, and formats.
  • A DAY TO LISTEN leveraged the power of radio to inspire people throughout Canada to move reconciliation forward in meaningful ways.

DWF’s Mission

Inspired by Chanie’s story and Gord’s call to action to build a better Canada, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF) aims to build cultural understanding and create a path towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.


What is Reconciliation?

DWF recognizes that reconciliation is not easily defined; it is not linear and does not have a clear end point. To us, reconciliation is a continuous process, a journey that leads to improved outcomes for Indigenous people throughout Canada. Awareness of the past, an acknowledgement of harm, and action to change behaviour are integral to the process. Reconciliation is not just an Indigenous issue – it is a Canadian issue.


What are ReconciliACTIONs?

A reconciliACTION is a meaningful action that moves reconciliation forward. ReconciliACTIONs aim to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples together in the spirit of reconciliation to create awareness, share, and learn. They act as a catalyst for important conversations and meaningful change, recognizing that change starts with every one of us. ReconciliACTIONs fulfill Gord’s call to action to #DoSomething.


What can Canadians do to help?

  • Read the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Find one that you can start working on.
  • Build relationships with Indigenous communities in your area.
  • Continue learning. There are free courses available –find one.
  • Support Indigenous artists and businesses.
  • Sign the 215 Pledge
  • Support DWF’s work –sign up to their newsletter and find ways to donate to downiewenjack.ca 


To learn more about DWF’s work, tune on Saturday, Sept 30th from 6AM – 6PM local time as we highlight the voices and stories of Indigenous Peoples around the theme, ‘Messages of Hope’. This will centre on the following four areas:

  • Cultural Reclamation
  • Language Resurgence
  • Art Practice
  • Land-Based Learning Narratives


To learn more about A DAY TO LISTEN visit: downiewenjack.ca and follow-on social media @downiewenjack.

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